Our cats – Maisie

Maisie is looking for a very special home as she is a very special cat. She came into our care nearly a year ago – found in an alley with her 4 kittens. She had suffered a tail pull injury and had lost the use of her back legs. An x-ray showed that her tail was broken and needed to be amputated. It had caused Maisie to be double incontinent and her fosterer needed to learn how to express her bladder. Over the course of several months Maisie recovered the use of her legs and was able to use her litter tray. Throughout all this she remained a friendly, affectionate and confident girl. She now needs a loving home of her own, preferably with a secure garden and no other pets. She still needs her bladder emptying daily but in all other aspects she has fully recovered.

Age: 2 years
Status: Available