Our cats – Ruby

The beautiful miss Ruby age unknown but under 2.

Ruby is a very happy outgoing confident girl that loves to talk to you, she enjoys to play with toys with or without you and loves hanging out on a tower.

She loves her human and likes to be around you & will follow you around and head bump you which is very sweet.

She likes to wrap her paws around your neck and to nibble on your ear till she falls asleep – melts you.

She is a love bug and loves to cuddle, will happily curl up under a blanket on the sofa or in bed with you.

She has great personality and lots of love to give.

For a few weeks was great with another female cat but sadly that has changed as Ruby can get jealous, so I think she would be better suited to an only cat home.

Would make a great addition to a family and would be better suited to someone that is home more than out I believe.

Is happy to do her own thing but will often seek her human out.

Ruby is spayed and ready for her new home.

Age: Under 2
Status: Rehomed